Eileen Stukane

Eileen Stukane covers news about the health and economic well-being of New Yorkers for various community newspapers and is a regular contributor to Chelsea Now. She has coauthored four books on women’s health and is the author of The Dream Worlds of Pregnancy. She has held editorial positions at Good Housekeeping, Cosmopolitan, and Self magazines, and for eight years wrote the “Healthy Eating” column for Food & Wine. Her articles related to women’s health have appeared in Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Glamour, McCall’s, Family Circle, Redbook, and numerous other national publications.

Running on Two Different Tracks

Every woman who waited to have a child will understand this story. Eileen Stukane’s determination to become a mother led her to adoption. When agencies said she was “too old,” she found a country that considered her young.
She would not be stopped—until a mystery in Italy almost ended everything. Confronting crisis, she learned how the edge of despair and the brink of salvation need not be two different points but one reality, conferring resilience and wisdom.